LEGEND: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 7) Read online

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  I nod, remembering the meeting we had before I left.

  “Okay, good. I spoke to Principal Hartmann earlier, everything is ready for you to start at Rosewood High on Wednesday.”

  “Wednesday?” I ask, assuming that I’d at least get a week to myself.

  “Yes, we thought it best you get into your new routine as soon as possible. I spoke to him about being on the team and your previous experience with tutoring.”

  “Great,” I mutter, glaring at Kane. I really don’t need any more on my plate than just restarting my life.

  “It’ll be fantastic, Kyle. Rosewood High is a great school with a fantastic football team should you decide to join. It’ll give you fantastic opportunities for the future.”

  I blow out a long breath. My future. I have no idea what that looks like for me now. I’m a Harrow Creek trailer park kid with a record. Not exactly the thing dreams are made of.

  “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  “Well, you’ve got time to figure stuff out.”

  “Okay well, if that’s everything, I’ll see myself out. Here’s my card.” She slides it across the table toward me. “I’ll be in touch on Wednesday evening to see how school went but if you need me in the meantime, I’m always available on my cell.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter, glancing down at her card.

  She smiles at both of us before tucking her chair away and letting herself out as she said she would.

  Silence surrounds us long after the shutter has crashed shut.

  I have no idea what she really thought of the whole situation but I guess it doesn’t really matter. She’s happy enough with it to allow it to continue.

  “I met with Principal Hartmann last week,” Kane says after a few minutes of silence once the shutter door had slammed shut.


  “Bea is right. It’s a good school. Nothing like Harrow Creek High.”

  “Is anywhere as bad as Harrow Creek High?” I ask with a laugh, stretching my legs out and slumping down in the chair a little.

  “You’ve got me there. I know it’s a lot, but the team won state last year. All their best players are about to graduate, they’d be crazy not to want you.”

  “I don’t know, K. So much has changed.”

  “Has it though? Football was our thing, our way out.”

  I nod at him because I always allowed him to think that it was our thing, when really, it was his. He’s always been so much better than me. I swear if we were lucky enough to be born somewhere different he’d already have the NFL after him. He is that good. But as it is, our life was—is—shit, and those kinds of opportunities don’t just appear for kids like us.

  They happen for Rosewood kids, not Harrow Creek kids.

  “We’ll see,” I mutter, pushing to stand and pulling the refrigerator open to grab a soda.

  “We’re gonna have futures, Ky. I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “I’m just happy to be free. I’ll worry about the rest later.”

  “Talking about being free… you need to get changed.”


  “Why? Because we’re celebrating tonight.”

  “That’s okay. I don’t need—” He pins me with a look that cuts off my argument.

  “The guys will be here in an hour or so, the girls too…” He wiggles his brows at me.

  “Kane, I don’t need—” I try again.

  “Humor me. I want to celebrate. This is a new start for us, kid. Things can only get better from here on out.”

  He scrubs his hand on the top of my head like he used to when we were kids, only I’m not so small anymore. I almost match his six-foot-three and after the muscle I’ve gained in juvie I might even have a few pounds on him right now.

  “Fine,” I say. “But is it a good idea with Bea breathing down our necks?”

  “She’s good, she’s happy. Let’s enjoy ourselves for just one night, eh?”

  “Okay, fine.”

  I wake with what feels like a drum pounding in my head.

  Fucking Kane.

  I roll over with a groan, hoping that my stomach stays settled and bump into a person.

  My eyes fly open and my heart jumps into my throat when I find not one but two half-naked girls in my bed.

  Jesus, fucking hell.

  What happened last night?

  Lifting the covers, I find that I’m still wearing my boxers.

  “Get the fuck out,” I bark, my voice rough from a lack of sleep and a raging hangover.

  I shake both of the girls awake.

  “Get the fuck out of my bed.”

  They both look as rough as I feel as they do as they’re told and drag their bodies from my bed before stumbling across the room toward the door.

  The sight of them with makeup down their faces, their dresses twisted up around their waists and their tits half hanging out does nothing for me and I briefly wonder if that’s just because of who they are or because I got my fill last night.

  I don’t remember anything past drinking straight from a bottle of vodka while Kane passed me a blunt to celebrate my release. I don’t know who those girls were, when they arrived or how we even all ended up in here.

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter, pulling the covers over my head and allowing myself to drift back off.

  When I come back to hours later, it’s to the sound of my brother kicking people out of our house. I have no idea who’s out there but I don’t care enough to go and see.

  There’s movement for about ten minutes before the voices fade and the footsteps disappear before engines start and fade into the distance.

  “Ky, you up?” Kane asks after knocking on my bedroom door.

  “Go away,” I bark, rolling onto my back.

  “You want food?”

  I want to say no, but my stomach growls at the thought of something decent to eat and I find myself throwing the covers back and dragging on a clean pair of sweats.

  “Whoa, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Fuck off,” I grunt, pushing past him where he’s blocking my doorway and marching for the bathroom.

  “You’re welcome, by the way,” he says with a laugh as I slam the door behind me and immediately reach for my toothbrush.

  I don’t look up as I take care of my mouth, hoping that as I rid myself of the putrid taste, I can remove the hangover and lack of memories from last night. But the second I’m done and I lift my eyes to the mirror, I can’t help but gasp.

  I’ve got girl’s lipstick fucking everywhere.

  “Fucking hell.”

  I scrub my hand down my face and push my hair back before turning the shower on and stripping down.

  “Good night, eh?” Kane asks when I drop down to the table while he fries bacon at the stove.

  “Can we not talk about it?” I slide down the chair until I can rest my head back and close my eyes as the sound of his deep chuckle fills the room.

  “Tell me that you at least remember it.”

  Feeling his stare burning into my skin, I drag my eyes open and stare at him.

  “No, I have no fucking clue what happened, although the lipstick trail was a good indication.”

  The fuck actually fucking belly laughs at me.

  “I told you to lay off the vodka after a year off.”

  “Whatever. At least I don’t remember most of the mistakes.”

  “Who says they were mistakes? Two girls are never a mistake, Ky.”

  “Whatever you say. That ready yet?”

  He drops a plate down in front of me and my mouth waters.

  “Don’t get used to it. I might have sorted us a house but I’m not your keeper,” he mutters, pulling out his own chair.

  “Wouldn’t have expected you to be.”

  “I have today off, but after tomorrow, you won’t see me much.”

  “What are you doing?” I ask, thinking of the less than legal shit we both did for money before I went away. Surely he must have a better job now to e
ven stand a chance of getting me here.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he mutters, stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth. Or maybe not then. “You should probably spend more time worrying about yourself than me. You’re heading back to high school tomorrow.” He winks and my stomach twists.

  I want to graduate, I have always wanted to but the second I got thrown in the back of that cop car a little over a year ago, I knew that the chance was even slimmer than it was already. Not that many kids leave Harrow Creek High with a diploma, the odds were already against me, despite my ability.

  “Can’t wait.” The enthusiasm in my tone says it all about how I feel about returning to school. I should be finishing up senior year right now, yet here I am about to start it a year later than I should have. Although I can’t deny that it’s all my fault.

  “Just do something for me.” The serious tone in his voice has me looking up at him.


  “Stay away from her.”

  I snort. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. I promised… uh… I just had to promise you’d put your head down and focus on your education. No going after revenge.” His brow lifts.

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” I repeat, not believing that he can ask that of me after everything.

  He shrugs and all it does is piss me off further.

  “Just stay away from her.”

  His plate clatters into the sink before he stalks to his bedroom.

  “Is that what you’ll do when you see her again?” I call after him but he doesn’t respond aside from slamming his door hard enough for the entire house to shake.



  “Who’s Nathan?” Ashton, my best friend’s boyfriend asks, as we walk toward English lit.

  I can’t help the wide smile that pulls at my lips as I think of him.

  I haven’t seen him since he took me out Sunday night but we’ve messaged almost every moment since.

  He’s sweet. Really freaking sweet. And he treats me like I’m something special, something worthwhile. It’s nice. Especially as both of my best friends now have boys and I’m playing the odd one out.

  “A guy from Maddison Prep that Harley met at Ethan’s party. They’ve had a few dates,” Ruby answers for me while I relive my time with him.

  “Ah, dating a prep boy, eh? I hear they don’t put out until at least the tenth date.” My breathing falters at his comment.

  We kissed, he’s run his hand up my thigh and wrapped it around my waist, but that’s where we’ve stopped so far.

  “Shut up, you idiot. He’s a good guy. Right, Har?”

  I’m lost in my own head as we walk into our class. My thoughts back on Nathan as he kissed me goodbye on Sunday night. It was… nice.

  I look up at the last minute knowing I’m about to weave my way through the desks to locate my own at the back when my world comes crashing down around my feet.

  I stop dead on the spot and Ruby slams into my back as my heart jumps into my throat and I swear it damn near stops beating.

  “Har?” Ruby asks, concern lacing her voice as she walks around to see my face.

  She gasps at whatever she finds on my face but her reaction to this isn’t the one that affects me.

  “Are you okay?” I rip my eyes from him to find Ruby staring right at him with a scowl on her face.

  I want to laugh. She’s so small and so sweet yet she stares at him like she’s about to walk over there and rip him a new one.

  “W-who’s that?” she asks, looking back at me and taking in my tear-filled eyes.

  My lips part but it takes a second for any words to come out.

  “Y-you remember Kane, the guy from my house on Sunday?” I whisper, ensuring no one but the two of them can hear.

  The image of walking home to find him in my house Sunday night hits me and I feel the sting of betrayal from my mother having anything to do with the Legend brothers after what happened twists my insides once more.

  I know she likes to help kids who seem to be a lost cause, but I never thought she’d stoop so low to help them.

  No wonder she looked so sheepish when we discovered them.

  “Yeah.” She nods and then looks back to him.

  I do the same and find what I already know, his light blue eyes are trained right on me. Although the happy-go-lucky look I remember from our childhoods is long gone. In its place is hate like I’ve never witnessed before.

  I swallow nervously.

  I did that to him.

  “That’s his little brother, Kyle.” My voice cracks on his name and I hate it.

  What I did was right. Okay, maybe frowned upon where we grew up, and I certainly never intended for Kyle to take the rap for it, but he was still in the wrong.

  “Okay. And why does he look like he wants to kill you?”

  “Probably because he does.”

  I swallow down my fear, my nerves and suck in a stealing breath.

  My instinct is to run. To get as far away from his cold, evil eyes and hide anywhere I can find where I’m safe.

  But what’s the point in that?

  He’s here, and something tells me that he’ll find me no matter where I go.

  “Are you going in or what?” Someone barks from the hallway, bringing me back to reality and reminding me that I stopped right in the doorway.

  “Yeah, sorry,” Ruby mutters, dragging me to the side a little so the others can pass. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to sit my ass down and do my work, Ruby. What are you going to do?” I don’t mean to snap at her but I can’t help it. My emotions are currently being put through a blender.

  “Are you sure? If you want to sk—”

  “No,” I cut her off, assuming where she’s going. “I’m not running from him.”

  A proud smile pulls at Ruby’s lips.

  “Good for you, Har. Let’s do this.”

  “You want me to beat his ass, just let me know,” Ashton offers, startling me. I’d forgotten he was witness to this.

  “Morning everyone. Please find your seats and let’s pick up where we left off last lesson,” our teacher calls out over the chatter filling the room.

  The three of us move toward the back of the room. The closer I get to Kyle, the harder it becomes to breathe. It’s like he literally sucks the air from my lungs. I know he probably wants me dead, but I’d have put money on him making it much more painful than this.

  His calculating eyes follow me as I pass him and it’s not until I’m a few feet away that I finally suck in a huge breath.

  Running would have been so easy. But it would only last for so long because eventually, I’d be right back here.

  I find my seat beside Ruby and pull my books out.

  I know she’s watching my every move. I can feel her burning stare, but she doesn’t say anything. Not yet.

  I hoped I’d got away with putting off explaining my reaction to Kane’s appearance in my house. I thought it was going to be a one-off thing and we’d all move on and forget about it. But it seems I was wrong because it wasn’t a one-off. It was a warning sign. A sign that my entire life is about to turn upside down.

  I wish I knew… If I thought anything like this was about to happen then I’d have… What would you have done?

  I blow out a breath.

  There was nothing to do.

  My past. My decisions. My mistakes. They’re just catching up with me in the form of a smoking hot Kyle Legend.

  I run my eyes over the backward cap he’s wearing. His blond hair poking out from beneath it. I take in his shoulders, which are so much wider than I ever remember them being and down his exposed arms that are hanging down beside the chair. His fists are curled in frustration causing muscles to pull his forearms tight and for his veins to pop out.

  This version of Kyle Legend is definitely different to the one I remember.

  My stomach twists as reality hits me.

  Kyle isn’t a b
ad person. Actually, he was always a pretty awesome person. And despite the issue between us, I’m pretty sure everyone here is going to love him.

  He and Zayn were always tight, well, until we moved and carved out a better life for ourselves.

  It makes me wonder what the relationship might be like between them now after what I did.

  Will Kyle take it out on him too, or is his wrath going to be solely aimed at me?

  Every second of English lit this morning was as painful as the moment I walked in and saw him. The only good thing about it was that we were kept busy the entire time and Ruby was unable to unload the million and one questions I could see behind her eyes.

  I get two more hours of relief as we had different classes, but I know my time is running out because lunch is approaching and there’s no way, no matter where I hide, that she won’t find me and try to drag every single bit of information out about what happened.

  Dread sits heavy in my stomach as the bell rings and kids start filing out of class toward the cafeteria. It’s not until I’m out of the door that the whispers register.

  I’ve been so lost in my own head this morning that it could have been going on for hours, but it’s only now I take notice.

  “I heard he went in for attempted murder.”

  “And only served a year. Puh-lease. That’s bullshit. It was just assault.”

  I shake my head at the group of girls as I pass them.

  “He’s so fucking hot. Have you seen the size of his arms?”

  “Yeah, I’d let him throw me over his shoulder any day.”

  Rolling my eyes, I continue as the trail of whispers get worse and even more unbelievable until I get to the cafeteria.

  Ruby is already here, and I have to swallow down a groan as she jumps up and runs over to me.

  I know she’s only trying to help but right now, all I want to do is disappear.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, looking me up and down.

  “Of course.”

  “Have you seen him again?”

  I shake my head as I follow her over to our tables. “It’s only a matter of time. Have you seen Zayn?”


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